worn out pad, warped rotor, broken brake caliper (or cracked drum, if drum brakes)
Brake drums can be resurfaced by turning the brake drum in a brake drum lathe. When the brake drum has deep grooves in it, it cannot be repaired.
A drum brake is a brake that uses friction caused by a set of shoes or pads that press against a rotating drum-shaped part called a brake drum. The term drum brake usually means a brake in which shoes press on the inner surface of the drum.
Yes, it's very dangerous. The brake drum is made from cast iron which is very brittle. If that crack opens up and spreads, it could cause the brake shoe to bind and put your car into a skid. Rick http://free-auto-repair-advice.blogspot.com/
The brake drum is the part which applies friction to the tire and allows your car to stop. It is a very important component of your braking system and should be maintained.
With rear drum brake:-The brake drum may be out of round or may have a rust spot in it. -The brake drum may be cracked.With rear disc brake:-The brake disc may have extreme lateral runout or be mounted improperly. -The brake disc may be cracked. This would be dangerous-Combination of soft brake pads and a directional finish on the disc surface. A directional finish may go away with use and take the noise with it.Regardless of brake type:A brake disc or drum mounted to a bent hub flange or bent axle shaft can cause this noise.
Drum brake? Could indicate a build up of excessive dust in drums -remove drum and clean Disc brake? wear indicators are letting you know it is time for replacement pads. Could also be a sign of cracked or glazed brake pads/shoes. Have your brakes inspected soon.
You will have to get a brake spoon and from the backside of the drum pull out the rubber plugs and look inside and you will see a gear wheel, the wheel needs to be turned downward to back the brake shoes off from the drum and then the drum should come off.
If you do not know how to do this then you should leave it to a mechanic. Replacing drum brakes is not an easy task anyways.
The drum and the brake shoes.
Make sure that the brake adjuster is screwed in to the minimum setting. the drum will be tight but should slide on. The adjuster can be extended with a brake tool or screwdriver through the hole in the backer plate.