my guess woul be that your EGR valve is bad or is sticking i would pull it out and check its the thing under the inlet of your intake if its good then the valve on it will move back and forth easy if its bad then it will stick
weak fuel pump.
check for a vehicle theft system?? Is the Light Illuminated. does it stay on:::
sounds like a fuel problem change the fuel filter first
My car starts and runs fine .Yours may need a fuel filter or pump.
check you ecu under the kick plat on the pasanger side then you might have to change you ptu
what is going on
It is designed to stay on. It will not drain your battery.
The fuel filter is clogged or the carburetor needs to be cleaned and/or adjusted.
The shift lever cable may be damaged or out of adjustment.
Its out of gas
get a new engine DUMMY!