how can i repair a 94 chevy k1500 tailgate latch. cannot open gate
1992 chev blazer reartail gate window lock is broken ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the 89, (83-94 S10/S15 Blazer) you turn the latch with key one direction and it opens the window. Then once the window is open, you can turn it the other direction and it opens the tailgate. On mine, the part with the "ears" started slipping. The window would still open easily with just the key. However, I was barely able to get the tailgate open using just the key. Replacement parts are available on the internet and E-Bay. You can remove the key part by removing the inside panel of the tailgate (must be open). Then 4 - 10mm bolts to hold on a cover. You may need to remove the rest of the latch mechanism (or at least push it out of the way). A slide-type clip holds the latch in place. Pry and slide the clip to the right (passenger side). The latch should come out and can be replaced. I'm trying a "repair" now. More notes later since I don't feel like trying to re-key a generic.
Open the door and look where the latch is there should be a black lever push it down and it should unlock the door.
Autozone, pepboys, any part store about $6.99
door open from inside or outside
Need more information. Is the latch behind the grill broken? Or is it the latch operated from inside the vehicle? If it's the latter you can remove the latch mechanism and pull on the cable using pliers or vise grips.
Remove the grill, cut the cable and pull it with a pair of pliers or vice grips. It might even be possible to push the release on the latch manually, after the grill is removed.
Chevy did not build Malibu in '94
if the door does not latch somtimes the latch has locked lift the door handle and pull latch open
If it is just the inside handle broken off you can pull the cable with a pair of pliers. If it is in the middle, you should be able to reach up from underneath and cut the cable and then pull the inside cable. If the latch end has pulled off, you may be able to trip the latch from underneath, or take the grill out and unbolt the latch.
replace the door hinge pins and bushings. The latches never need adjusting. You can get these at autozone in the red HELP packages most of the time.
take the grill off and look up in there and pp it open with a screwdriver that's what i did on my 94 caprice
YES IT will fit right in. No problems.