Counter clockwise.
Turn it to the left.
Oil drain plug? Turn counterclockwise.Oil drain plug? Turn counterclockwise.
Counter clockwise
Turn counter clockwise to remove.
Counter clockwise.
When standing facing the Suburban, the radiator drain plug is on the lower right-hand side of the radiator. Drain the radiator coolant into a bucket by turning the drain plug three-quarters of a turn to loosen.
Counter clockwise
== == left or counter clockwise
Lefty Loosey (counterclockwise to remove), righty tighty (clockwise to tighten). That drain plug should take a 15mm wrench.
The drain plug is at the bottom passenger side of the radiator. It takes a 1/4 inch extension to fit into the head to turn it.
Counterclockwise. Right=tighty lefty=loosey.