What would cause NO high low headlights wipers heat ac horn or wipers As if there is no power going to the fuses on a 2002 Turbo Beetle. But have brake lights and parking lights and radio.?
Well I just had the same thing happen last night! Turned the car
OFF and when I turned it back ON about 15mins later, I noticed my
wipers werent working, ABS light was ON, signals (both directions)
were gone (yet flashers worked fine), heater fan gone, headlights
gone (still have High beams though) SOOO, I just spent an hour at
the local mechanic and he says that it stems from the computer or
the software and that I need to go to a VW dealer!! Local shop
didnt charge me but Im sure this is the calm before the storm. Let
me know how you make out and $$$