I was researching this problem. After replacing the starter and solenoid, I still had the same problem. Someone suggeste the switch could be sticking. I sprayed liquid wrench into swith on column and problem is solved. Thanks to whomever makd that suggestion. I am passing this along, cause it could happen to you.
on bottom side of engine
A starter will not disengage if the ignition switch is stuck or if the solenoid has jammed. This will cause the starter to constantly receive power.
a bad battery will do this. also make sure the correct shims are used in installation and that the number of teeth on flywheel and starter both match. either of these can make starter hangup and not disengage
Disengage - album - was created in 1998.
your ignition switch is hanging up in the crank position.
The starter drive (also called bendix) is not dis-engaging after the key start position is released. Probably due to dust/grime build-up, gear sticking to flywheel, or just going bad.
How do I replace the block heater in my 1998 F150 4.6L?
starter is out, motor is locked up or your starter solenoid is out.
Location of starter on 89 ford f150
Disconnect the battery...
How do I disengage my security system for a 1998 town and country with out a key
On the Starter