There is no vacuum at the nipple on the EGR VALVE.
The Vacuum line that hooks to it should suck your finger when you speed the engine up. That line will come from the TBI ( Throttle Body Injection housing) and hook to the EGR valve, and when the engine RPMs. go up it sucks the EGR VALVE OPEN.
Check for a vacuum leak or sticking butterfly valve at the throttle body, or possibly a sticking throttle linkage or throttle cable.
Passenger side of engine next to throttle body. It is the senor with the vacuum line running to it.
on the back of the throttle body or intake port.
It is commonly referred to as the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor. It is simply a small black sensor box with a vacuum source coming from above the vacuum source on the throttle body and a wiring plug that goes to the ECM.
Look on the carb for a small vacuum source above the throttle body. You would want one that has no vacuum at idle.
at end of hose coming from throttle body,or carb.
There should be a vacuum source on the carb above the throttle body that gives spark ported vacuum. You can connect a tube from this source to the distributor.
it is behind the throttle body, it will have a vacuum line going to it
You'd need a constant source such as manifold or throttle body vacuum for power brakes, pcv, and disappearing headlights, and a spark-ported source such as one you'd find above the throttle body for the distributor.
Sounds more like you have a large vacuum leak to me.
vacuum leak, check the gasket under the throttle body for a vacuum leak. Spray some carb cleaner around the base of the throttle body while the engine is running. If there is a vacuum leak you will hear a change in the rpm's when you hit the right spot.
You probably have a vacuum leak. Check intake manifold and throttle body gaskets as well as vacuum lines.