Locate Insurance Companies: The first thing that you will need to do is locate several reputable automobile insurance companies that operate in Idaho. You may want to select a couple local insurance companies and several national companies. Perform research online to determine how reputable the companies are and how well they handle their customers' claims.
Start Requesting Quotes: Once you have selected several automobile insurance companies you should request free, no-obligation quotes from these companies. You can sign online to request quotes, or you can call to speak with the companies' agents.
Fill Out Quote Forms: If you go online you will need to fill out several pieces of information to request your insurance quote. Typically, you will need to enter your age, gender, social security number or driver's license and information about your vehicle.
Be Consistent: Be sure to be consistent with your information when you fill out the quote forms so that all of the companies use the same information to calculate your quote. For example, enter the same expected mileage if the companies request it.
Set All Coverage Equal: To accurately compare the insurance quotes you will need to set all of the coverage options the same. You may want to start by setting the coverage to the minimum requirements in Idaho, which are $25,000 for personal injury and bodily injury protection and $15,000 for property damage.
Compare and Choose: Compare the insurance quotes and choose the company that offers you the best deal.
Choose Your Coverage: Next, you will need to determine the coverage that you feel most comfortable purchasing. You can typically play around with the coverage options online to view how they change your insurance premiums.
Look for Discounts: Look for discounts that you may be able to apply to your account. Companies often offer discounts for earning good grades in college and for belonging to certain organizations.
Purchase the Plan: Once you find the ideal coverage you will need to purchase the plan. You can choose to make payments or pay all at once for a six-month or a one-year plan.
Carry Proof: Now that you have insurance you will want to keep your proof of insurance in your vehicle at all times. Print out a proof-of-insurance card from your company until you receive your documents in the mail.