my grand am had an engine knocking noise. it was the intake manifold gasket was going bad. it was leaking coolant into my oil. look at your oil to see if it is a white milky color. if it is then you need a new manifold gasket which sucks. it takes a long time to do by yourself. or you can take it to a place that charges you $1000 to do. but if you can. do it yourself
Replace the Harmonic balancer
knocking noise
My 2000 Grand Prix would have a low-speed knocking noise coming from the drivers side as the CV axle was failing. The loss of lubrication in the CV Boots allows the joint to make a knocking/tapping sound at a low speed. If the knocking is coming from the engine compartment, then it could be an entirely different problem.
NO. A knocking noise in the engine is a problem in the engine.
When your engine has a knocking noise, it could mean that a rod has been thrown. It could also mean you are low on oil.
harmonic balance maybe bad
First, check the lug nuts. If that's not it, check the wheel bearings.
A bad harmonic balancer can cause a knocking noise. The harmonic balancer doesn't actually produce the noise, but it can cause the noise in the engine.
sell it
The knocking noise is commonly called spark knock. The knock can be called by the engine timing not being set correctly, or using gas that has too low of an octane for the engine.
A knocking noise can occur from worn engine mounts. When the rubber insert on the engine mounts are old and brittle the chassis is not protected from the weight of the engine. Creating loud vibrations that get louder as the vehicle goes faster.
Having a bad rod bearing could cause a truck to make a loud knocking noise and shake when driving at high speeds. The engine having a coolant leak or an engine timing problem could also cause the knocking noise.