Keshia Knight Pulliam was born on April 9, 1979.
Keshia Knight Pulliam was born on April 9, 1979.
James Pulliam and Denise Pulliam
Well, honey, Keshia Knight Pulliam is not related to Gladys Knight. Just because they share a last name doesn't mean they're automatically family. It's like saying everyone named Smith is related to Will Smith - it just doesn't work that way.
she weighs about 138
It's An Atlanta,Ga?
No, she is not related to Gladys Knight... Her parents are James and Denise Pulliam. She is of Jamaican me :)
12 million dollars
...... Yeah, shes probably mixed. Keshia Knight Pulliam (born April 9, 1979 in Newark, New Jersey, U.S.) is an Emmy Nominated African American actress. Source:
No they haven't she was just acting in his video one call away
she has 12 -8 that equals up to 4 so what does this tell you hahahhahahahaahhaaah