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It is true that if you want to get a truer picture of someone's life you should read about that person. This is because you will learn about their hardships.

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5mo ago

Reading about someone can provide valuable insight into their experiences, challenges, and accomplishments, helping you to understand them better. However, to truly grasp the full picture of someone's life, it is also important to engage in personal interactions, have meaningful conversations, and spend time together to gain a deeper understanding of who they are beyond mere words on a page.

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Q: If you want to get a truer picture of someone's life you should read about that person?
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If you want to get a truer picture of someones life you should read about that person.?

It is true that if you want to get a truer picture of someone's life you should read about that person. This is because you will learn about their hardships.

If you want to get a truer picture of someones life you should read?

You would read a autobiography. :)

To get a truer picture of someones life what should you read?

To get a truer picture of someone's life, you should consider reading their personal journals or autobiographies. These writings can provide insights into their thoughts, emotions, and experiences that may not be evident from other sources. Additionally, reading any correspondence they have had, such as letters or emails, can also offer valuable perspectives on their life.

Is truer a word?

Yes, truer is a word. In the definition of true in the Merrian-Webster, truer is an inflected form of true.

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The Truer Lover - 1909 was released on: USA: 5 June 1909

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