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Straight antifreeze ( ethylene glycol ) freezes at 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit / -13 degrees

celsius - it has to be mixed with preferably distilled water to provide proper protection

for the automotive cooling system ( freezing / boiling / and corrosion protection )

and for the temperature sensors / water pump / radiator etc to function correctly .

Ford recommends not dropping below 40 % antifreeze and not exceeding 60 %

antifreeze to prevent damage to the cooling system

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Q: Why use 50 50 antifreeze and not straight antifreeze?
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Is water added when filling 2003 Honda Accord radiator with antifreeze?

You want to use a 50/50 mixture of water and antifreeze, but use the manufacture recommended antifreeze, it comes straight anti freeze in which case you would mix a gallon of antifreeze to a gallon of water or you can buy a pre mixed container of antifreeze if your just trying to top off

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Antifreeze is supposed to be mixed with preferably distilled water 50 / 50 in a vehicle ( do not exceed 60 % antifreeze in the mix ) Straight antifreeze will freeze around ( 7 ) degrees Fahrenheit , I believe

How much antifreeze?

A mix of 50% clean water and 50% straight antifreeze is good for most areas. If you live where the temp goes below -30 degrees F, a mix of 25% clean water and 75% straight antifreeze would be better.

Will putting straight antifreeze in your rad affect your heat?

A mixture of 50% water and 50% antifreeze will transfer heat better than straight antifreeze and still protect the system from freezing up to at least 34 degrees below zero F.

Does straight antifreeze have cooling properties?

not as good as a 50 50 mix of distilled water and antifreeze, however consult your service manual to the exact mixture.

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It will use normal antifreeze and it should be mixed 50/50 with water. It does not matter.

Does the 2005 Chevy Tahoe use water or antifreeze?

It uses a 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze/coolant

Which antifreeze-coolant would one use for a 2000 Jeep GC Laredo?

depending if you live in mainly cold or hot weather area, cold weather-- use a 50-50 dexcool [orange liquid] straight in backup tank and 50% antifreeze/50% water in radiator, do not add water to backup tank. Hot weather-- [my recommendation] use a 50-50 dexcool [orange liquid] straight in backup tank [no water], and 20% antifreeze/80% water plus add liquid called waterwetter [pink liquid] to radiator, this will greatly keep engine running cooler by almost 15-20 degrees

Can you put only antifreeze in your radiator in the winter?

Antifreeze is designed to be mixed with preferably distilled water A 50 / 50 mix will freeze at ( around -35 * Fahrenheit ) where I BELIEVE straight antifreeze will freeze at 7 * Fahrenheit Ford vehicles come from the factory with a 50 / 50 mix and Ford states to NOT EXCEED 60 % antifreeze in their vehicles

Do you put antifreeze in your 1999 dodge durango radiator?

You should always use a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water.

What mix of antifreeze do you use for a 2006 Ford Fusion?

50 / 50 mix of antifreeze and preferably distilled water Ford states not to exceed 60 % antifreeze in cold climates and not to use less than 40 % antifreeze for corrosion protection