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Q: Which navigation instrument is useful for steering when land is out of sight?
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Which navigation instrument is useful when land is out of sight?

A compass can be used to help steer when land is out of sight and a boat operator is confused or disoriented.

What did the phoenician invent to make trade easier?

Navigation out of sight of land using the Polar Star.

How does navigation relate to the Phoenicians?

Out of sight of land they used astral navigation. The got as far afield as the Canary Islands and Cornwall.

What is an negative sight in surveying?

A negative sight in surveying occurs when the vertical line of sight from the instrument to the target is below the instrument's horizontal axis. This can result in incorrect measurements and lead to inaccuracies in the survey data. Negative sights should be avoided by ensuring that the instrument is properly leveled before taking measurements.

Where can we use periscopes and where it can be useful?

well i can tell you what it is but im not quit sure what you mean by an example.... it is a optical instrument for viewing objects that are above the level of direct sight; mostly used in submarines

What is the meaning of coastal navigation?

Coastal navigation is transport by sea or inland waterways. The coast is rarely out of sight and so position can be confirmed by land features and navigation marks, such as light houses and buoyage.

What is the of visualization?

Of or pertaining to sight; used in sight; serving as the instrument of seeing; as, the visual nerve., That can be seen; visible.

What is the meaning of visualize?

Of or pertaining to sight; used in sight; serving as the instrument of seeing; as, the visual nerve., That can be seen; visible.

How carrot are useful for skin?

they don't the help you eye sight

What are the differences and similarities between Lincoln and Johnson?

This sight is very useful

Which form of navigation first made it possible for craft to safely navigate beyond sight of land?

Dead Reckoning

Can you give a sentence for the word sight?

The beautiful mountain view was a breathtaking sight.