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In the USA, none. The MTBE ( a water pollutant ) was replaced by the corn liquor

a few year back at a maximum of 10% ethanol to 90% gasoline per gallon.

No brand of gas is 100% ethanol free at all locations. It varies from area to area, and also depends on who owns the station.

Due to state and federal government tax breaks it is almost impossible to find gas with out ethanol added. Your best bet would be to call your local stations, ask for a manager and ask them what the ethanol percentage is in their fuel.

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Q: What major gasoline brands do not contain ethanol?
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Two drinks and I have to get a taxi home. As an energy source, the process of concentrating ethanol consumes a lot of energy. It depends on who you believe, but the amount of energy consumed may exceed the amount of energy in the ethanol created. If that's so, then ethanol may be a useful form of energy (in the same was as electricity is), but not a useful source of energy.

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Ethanol plays three major roles in today's economy and environment. First, it replaces about $2 billion dollars of imported oil with a secure, domestic fuel. Second, it is an important component of gasoline reformulated to reduce pollution in cities which are not achieving air quality standards mandated by the Clean Air Act. And finally, it provides a major income boost to farmers and rural communities where most ethanol is manufactured. Ethanol, blended with gasoline at a 10% level or in the form of ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) made from ethanol, is effective in reducing carbon monixide levels, ozone pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from