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If you think your dog has ingested antifreeze, get it to a vet immediately. To dogs, antifreeze has a pleasant taste.


My dog died of antifreeze two days ago.

About a half hour or so after the antifreeze is consumed, the dog will throw up and then appear to be drunk. My dog collapsed and needed help walking because he was staggering so badly. After an hour or so they seem to be getting better, they can walk a little better, but then they begin peeing a lot. Cujo peed on the floor ( for 30 seconds) and two minutes later peed for another 30+ seconds. After that he seemed to be doing a bit better, but later that evening he threw up again, this time it looked like it was all water. As the days progressed he began to look weak, he stopped eating and drinking. The lack of water caused his muscles to become too weak to stand on his own. Once he was up he could walk a bit, but wobbled a bit due to the weakness.

Friday we finally got the time to bring him to the vet ( we live three hours away from the nearest vet) once there, we learned that his kidneys and pancreas were failing fast. No matter how much water the vet pumped into him, he wouldn't pee. Saturday afternoon he seemed perfectly healthy minus the fact that he still couldn't pee. He was running, getting up on his own and wagging his tail. Sunday morning he was on his way out, he wouldn't move, wouldn't even lift his head and threw up three times. We decided to put him down before he could go through too much pain.

If you see your pet drink antifreeze you only have a small window of time to get him to the vet. Dialysis will help but unfortunately they don't have that in my province.

I believe people will show the same symptoms, so be smart and don't drink antifreeze :p

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