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The combustion engine releases a lot of chemicals and smoke into the air. This raises nitrogen in the atmosphere and pollutes the air.

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Q: What are the role of combustion engine in nitrogen fixation and atmospheric pollution?
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What three processes that fix atmospheric nitrogen?

The three processes that fix atmospheric nitrogen are nitrogen fixation by bacteria, lightning-induced nitrogen fixation, and industrial nitrogen fixation through the Haber-Bosch process.

How does atmospheric nitrogen fixation affect organisms?

Atmospheric nitrogen fixation is the process where nitrogen is converted into ammonia. Without nitrogen, organisms couldn't grow, and organisms need nitrogen more than anything to grow.

What is the process by which bacteria use enzymes to convert nitrogen into ammonia called?

The process by which bacteria use enzymes to convert nitrogen into ammonia is called nitrogen fixation. This process is essential for converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can uptake and use to grow.

How are the process of nitrogen fixation and dinitrfication different?

Nitrogen fixation is fixing atmospheric N2 in to NO2- or NH4+. Denitrification is reducing NO3- in to N2.

What is the term for the biological process where by atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a form usable by plant?

Nitrogen fixation.

What is industrial fixation?

Industrial fixation is a synthetic method of converting atmospheric nitrogen to nitrogen oxides or ammonium ions that plants and other organisms are able to use

What is the term for the biological process whereby atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a form usable by plants?

Nitrogen fixation.

What captures the atmospheric nitrogen?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria found in the roots of leguminous plants capture atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a form that can be used by plants. This process is called nitrogen fixation.

How do automobiles produce nitrogen oxides?

During combustion, atmospheric nitrogen is oxidised.

What is atmospheric fixation?

Atmospheric fixation refers to the process by which certain atmospheric gases, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide, are converted and incorporated into organic compounds by organisms like bacteria and plants. These organisms are vital for transforming atmospheric gases into forms that can be used by other living organisms in the ecosystem.

What is the first step of the nitrogen cycle?

The first step of the nitrogen cycle is nitrogen fixation, where certain bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) into a form that plants can use, such as ammonium (NH4+).

What is the term for the biological process whereby atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a form of usable by plants?

The term for this biological process is nitrogen fixation. It involves certain bacteria converting atmospheric nitrogen into forms such as ammonia which can be taken up by plants for growth.