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Battery gas is hydrogen. Hydrogen gas is highly explosive.

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Q: What are the dangers of battery gases?
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All solids liquids and gases are?

some solids,liquids and gases are dangers some are not dangers

What are the infrared dangers?

The danger is, if the infrared is trapped by atmospheric gases it can cause greenhouse effect.

What is the blue stuff leaking out of car battery?

Yuor battery is leaking fluids or gases. The battery likely needs replaced.

What are the dangers of old batteries?

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What are the dangers of gases in mines?

Gases in mines can pose various dangers to miners, including asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen, poisoning from toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, and explosions from flammable gases like methane. These gases can accumulate in confined spaces within the mine, leading to health hazards and safety risks for miners. Proper monitoring and ventilation systems are crucial to mitigate these dangers.

Can a battery explode if jumped improperly?

Yes, a car battery can explode if jumped improperly. Car batteries contain sulfuric acid that can produce gasses. If a spark ignites the gases the battery can explode like a bomb.

Whyn you remove the vent plugs when the battery is charging?

to avoid accumulation of hydrogen gases near battry

What are the dangers that vulcanologists face?

Volcanologists face dangers such as lava flows, pyroclastic flows, volcanic gases, landslides, and explosive eruptions when studying active volcanoes. They also risk exposure to toxic gases like sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. Additionally, there is a danger of ashfall causing respiratory issues and damage to equipment.

What would happen with a battery in a microwave?

If a battery is placed in a microwave, it can potentially explode due to the release of gases inside the battery when heated. This can cause damage to the microwave and pose a safety risk. It is not safe to put a battery in a microwave.

What if AAA battery leakage went on the gas cooker If we use it will those fumes or gases cause any problem especially to your kids?

The specific fumes would probably depend on the type of battery. Check the battery, what materials it is made of.

Some car batteries give off a potentially explosive mixture of gases What kind of change is taking place in the battery?

The batteries are undergoing a chemical change, particularly during the charging process when hydrogen and oxygen gases can be generated. This happens as a result of electrolysis of water within the battery, leading to the production of these gases which can form an explosive mixture if not properly ventilated.

What are some dangers in the carboniferous time period?

Some dangers in the Carboniferous period included volcanic activity, which could lead to eruptions and the release of toxic gases. Additionally, the high levels of oxygen in the atmosphere during this time could have increased the risk of wildfires. Lastly, the presence of large predatory insects and amphibians could have posed a threat to other organisms.