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any alkali + water so lithium sodium potassium rubudium caesium or francium ( extremely rare) in water will cause a big reaction especially as you go down list it gets stronger any hydrocarbons basic with oxygen or hydrogen peroxide should cause an explosion

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Q: What 2 things together will Explode?
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How does everything explode?

Things explode because they are usually blown up using dynamite or other explosives. If a business or home explodes it could be from a gas leak or chemicals being mixed together.

What things explode?

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Why do fruit Mentos and soda explode?

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You can add 2 and 2. That gets you 4.

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How does everything?

Things explode because they are usually blown up using dynamite or other explosives. If a business or home explodes it could be from a gas leak or chemicals being mixed together.

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Erosion and deposition.

What if a person has Mentos and soda together?

You can but i heard your stomach could explode but its not impossable

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Yes if you drink coke and mentos.. together

What are three things that can explode?

Answer1: Bombs, Coke only if you shake it then open it and a person because if he/she explodes it means with rage. Answer2: Alot of things can explode, depends under what circumstances do you want them to explode? -Hydrogen Gas -Gasoline Vapor -Any container that the inside pressure, the contents exceeds the strength of the container. It will naturally rupture or explode.

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