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The iceberg is 1372 meters away.

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Q: The echo of a ships fog horn reflected from an iceberg is heard 8.0 seconds after the horn is sounded?
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The echo of a ship's fog horn reflected from an iceberg is heard 8.0 seconds after the horn is sounded How far away is the iceberg?

The time it takes for the sound wave to travel to the iceberg and back is 8 seconds. So, the total time for the sound to travel one way is 8/2 = 4 seconds. The speed of sound in air is about 343 m/s, so the distance to the iceberg is 343 m/s * 4 s = 1372 meters.

The echo of a ship's fog horn reflected from an iceberg is heard 8 seconds after the horn is sounded How far away is the iceberg?

The echo indicates an approximate distance of 1325.2 meters. At 0 degrees Celsius, sound travels at about 331.3 m/sec at sea level, so the sound travelled 2650.4 meters in 8 seconds. Half of that was on the way to the iceberg and half was the return time. * variations with pressure and humidity can affect the ideal speed, and it may range from 331.2 to 331.6 m/second.

Reflected sound wave that are heard within 0.1seconds make what?

Reflected sound waves that are heard within 0.1 seconds create an echo. This happens when the sound wave bounces off a hard surface and returns to the listener's ears shortly after the original sound is heard.

What do some of the passengers and crew compare the Titanic's striking of the iceberg to?

People up top say it sounded like going over a million marbles, a dull and creaky thud. People below heard it quite loudly, like a gash.

Reflected sound waves that are heard within 0.1 s?

The reflected sound waves that are heard within 0.1 seconds are known as echoes. These echoes occur when sound waves bounce off a surface and return to the listener in a relatively short time frame, causing a distinct repetition of the original sound.

How many people heard the iceberg scrape the ship?

people in the boiler rooms 1,2,3,4 and 5

What day did the Titanic crash?

RMS Titanic's lookout Frederick Fleet spotted the iceberg at 11:40pm on April 14, 1912. His warning "Iceberg, Right Ahead!" was immediately heard, but Titanic was too close to the iceberg to avoid collision, and she struck the iceberg seconds after his warning. The bulk of an iceberg is actually underwater - what is seen is actually a small part. The Titanic crew did its best to avoid the crash, but had no way of knowing that the iceberg in fact extended out past what was visible. In recent years, part of her bottom has been found some distance from the main wreck, confirming theories that her bottom was ripped open by the iceberg, causing the bulk of the damage that sank her just under 3 hours later (2:20am, April 15, 1912).

Will there be a rainbow puffle on Club Penguin?

Ive heard that if you tip the iceberg, Aunt Arctic will give you a golden puffle but ive never heard of a rainbow puffle lol

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The duration of I Heard - short film - is 420.0 seconds.

When a sound wave is reflected it produces what?

When a sound wave is reflected, it produces an echo. The echo is the reflected sound wave that is heard after bouncing off a surface back towards the source.

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