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i wanna know if you can really blow a car speaker i wanna know if you can really blow a car speaker

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Q: Does a speaker blow if you connect it directly to the battery?
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What happens if you connect the positive to the negative while jumping a Nissan Maxima?

your battery will make a big spark or your battery could blow up.

How do you connect 6 6 volt batteries?

There are many ways to connect (6) 6V batteries. For a series connection (adds up to 36V) the most convenient method is alligator clips.WARNING!!! DO NOT EVER connect the first battery to the last battery. They may blow up, and this could hurt you.

What happens when you put your car battery in backwards?

When you connect the battery backwards you can cause major damage. You can blow the alternator or its fusible link. You can destroy electronics, particularly the various computers - and these are not cheap.

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If the bike uses 5 12V DC batteries connected in series to achieve 60V DC you can connect the positive and negative wires from the 12V light ONLY to the first 12V battery in that series. The bike will remain 60V and the lights will be powered by the first 12V battery. If you connect the 12V light directly to 60V the light will blow instantly. Test the voltage with a volt meter before making any connections.

What happens if you connect the ground wire to the terminal and the red wire to the - terminal on the car battery i.e. connect the battery backwards?

Depending on the age of the vehicle you probably have shorted or grounded the electrical system causing fuse(s) to blow. Question was kind of broad may want to be more specific

How loud would I have to play music to blow out the speakers?

Depending on the speaker it may not be possible or may blow out very early. Check your speaker's rating beforehand.

What can happen if you connect battery terminals positive to negative and negative to positive to a 1999 Honda odssey?

It may destroy the battery or it may just blow the main fuse or it may do other damage. No way of knowing for sure what will happen.

How do you make working model on green energy?

Connect the rotor of a DC motor to some sort of fan (like a pinwheel) and instead of connecting a battery to the motor, connect a 2V DC bulb. Then blow. (could try dismantling one of those hand-held, battery poweref fans you get - the motor works both ways).

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if the battery has some juice left then yes..but if you disconnect battery then NO

Where is the starter for an 87 Pontiac fiero?

Right in front of the oil pan (2.8l) Disconnect the battery before getting a wrench close to the starter. The starter has a HOT battery cable runnign directly to it. Shorting this to the frame with a wrench might start a fire, blow up your battery, or both.

Where is the starter located on a 86 fiero?

Right in front of the oil pan (2.8l) Disconnect the battery before getting a wrench close to the starter. The starter has a HOT battery cable runnign directly to it. Shorting this to the frame with a wrench might start a fire, blow up your battery, or both.

Could a defective new battery or wrong installation ruin an alternator?

If you connect the battery backwards you will forward bias the alternator's bridge rectifier and blow the diodes, ruining the alternator. You may also destroy the regulator, and don't forget what that might do to the rest of the car's electronics.