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It may seem strange but Mr. Frank says Anne was happy at her concentration camp. To someone else, a concentration camp is hell on earth where people are dying every minute and you hardly get any food or water. The beds are all broken and everything reeks. The list of negatives just keeps going on and on. But to Anne, after being locked in the horrible secret annex for two and a half years, forced to be quiet, and not able to do anything she usually is, she sees so many improvements. She was most likely happy because she could make new friends, laugh out loud, and breathe fresh air. Mr. Frank loved Anne, and could probably tell when she was happy or sad. This shows that Anne, however grave the situation, can always see the positive side of a situation

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5mo ago

Mr Frank thinks Anne was happy at the concentration camp because of the hope and positivity she maintained despite the dire conditions they were in. Anne's resilient spirit and ability to find joy in small moments helped her cope with the unimaginable suffering around her.

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because she wouldnt have to suffer like other people did

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Q: Why does Mr Frank think Anne was happy at the concentration camp?
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