Statistics is essential in making informed decisions in various fields like economics, healthcare, and sports. For example, in the healthcare sector, statistics helps in analyzing medical data to identify patterns and trends, leading to improved treatments and patient outcomes. It is both a science, involving the collection and analysis of data, and an art, as interpreting and communicating statistical findings effectively requires creativity and expertise.
It affects 1 in 20,000 men
A statement trigger is a trigger which is fired once on behalf of the triggering statement, independent of the number of rows the triggering statement affects.
Yes, unless they have a medical condition that affects their development or have had their sex organs removed surgically.
Everybody does. Our sweat evaporates and helps to cool us down.
A tracheaotomy only affects the windpipe, and they swallow their food just like everybody else.
A sprain affects the bone, while a strain does no
Yes, global warming does affect all the living creatures. Irregular weather patterns and floods in the lowlands are just but examples of how global warming affects everybody.
No, Amblyopia (commonly known as "lazy eye") affects only an estimated 1-5% of people.
Not everybody wili be able to vote!!
No. Outliers are part of the data and do not affect them. They will, however, affect statistics based on the data and inferences based on the data.