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its 3rd person and first person

Brian is the narrator chapters

Miles as first person

and sara first person.

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5mo ago

The narrator of the story in "A Bend in the Road" by Nicholas Sparks is an unnamed omniscient third-person narrator. They provide insight into multiple characters' thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the novel.

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12y ago

Either fate or Otis timson.

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Q: Who is the narrator of the story in A Bend in the Road?
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What is a curve in a road?

A curve in the road is a bend. If the bend is very severe, it is a hairpin-bend.

When was A Bend in the Road created?

A Bend in the Road was created in 2001.

How many pages does A Bend in the Road have?

A Bend in the Road has 352 pages.

What is a bend in a road called?

A bend in a road is commonly referred to as a curve. It is a change in the road's direction, typically caused by factors such as the terrain or design of the road.

What is the person that reads the story called?

The person who tells the story is the narrator.

What role does the narrator have?

the narrator is the person (or animal) that is telling the story. The author writes the story, but the story is told by the narrator.

Where is the narrator at the beginning of the story?

The narrator is at home in bed at the beginning of the story.

Who is the narrator in the fatalist by Isaac bashevis singer?

This is a framed story- the narrator of the frame story is the Hebrew teacher & the secretary is the narrator of the framed story.

Dose the narrator or author describe the story?

The narrator is the voice that tells the story, while the author is the creator of the story. The narrator can be a character in the story or an unseen observer, while the author is the individual who actually wrote the story.

Is Narrator a synonym for story?

No, a narrator is a storyteller.

How many words are in the bend in the road by Nicholas sparks?

Yes but you should be in at least 5th grade to read it it should be a good book if you want information read onit is a 5.3 grade level and it is 14 points for all y'all AR PIONT readers

What is the name for a bend in a straight road?

a curve... Well that could be an answer however it is not possible to have a bend or a curve 'in' a straight road. A curve or bend is, by definition, after the end of one straight section and before the beginning of the next; so it can not be 'in' a straight road.