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In a garden during the war.

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The narrator in "The End of Something" by Ernest Hemingway is in the old sawmill at Hortons Bay, Michigan with his girlfriend Marjorie. They are in a small boat on the water near this location.

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Q: Where is the narrator in the first paragraph of the end of something by Ernest Hemingway?
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What is the narrator doing in the first paragraph of “the end of something” by Ernest Hemingway?

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What is the narrator doing in the first paragraph of The End of Something by Ernest Hemingway?

Fighting in the war apex

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Ernest Hemingway's birth name is Hemingway, Ernest Miller.

Is Ernest Hemingway tall?

Ernest Hemingway is 6'.

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In Ernest Hemingway's "In Another Country," the narrator and his friends go to a café after their treatments every afternoon. They spend their time there discussing their injuries and bonding over their shared experiences as wounded soldiers.

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Ernest Hemingway

When was Ernest Hemingway born?

Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899

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The Ernest Hemingway House, also known as the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, was built in 1851. Ernest Hemingway lived in this house in Key West, Florida, between 1931 and 1939.

How tall is Ernest Hemingway?

Apparently, Ernest Hemingway was 6 feet tall. Source ( )

Who was ernest Hemingway named after?

Ernest Hemingway was reportedly named after his maternal grandfather, Ernest Miller.

Who is the mother of Gregory Hemingway son of Ernest Hemingway?

The mother of Gregory Hemingway, son of Ernest Hemingway, was Pauline Pfeiffer. She was Ernest Hemingway's second wife, and they had two children together, Gregory and Patrick.

What is Ernest Hemingway's birthday?

Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899.