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Kinda critical

Reserved mother




Died in January 1945


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6mo ago

I would describe Mrs. Frank as resilient because she showed strength and perseverance in the face of adversity while hiding with her family during the Holocaust. She remained hopeful and supportive of her family, providing comfort and stability in challenging circumstances.

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Q: What character trait would you give Mrs Frank and why?
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It could be called tenacity or bloody-mindedness.

Could you Give me three examples of a trait?

smart, oblivious, and honest. They are just character traits. Or were you talking about a different type of trait? oh well, there are three examples of a trait. I'm only 11 and answering this question!

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type " " in before and after the name eg. "Quintus Julius"

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You inherent gene from your parent and they give you trait.

Can you give tell the meaning of characteristic?

Pertaining to, or serving to constitute, the character; showing the character, or distinctive qualities or traits, of a person or thing; peculiar; distinctive., A distinguishing trait, quality, or property; an element of character; that which characterized., The integral part (whether positive or negative) of a logarithm.

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What does it mean to give a trait to a character?

Giving a trait to a character means assigning a specific attribute or characteristic to that character to help define their personality or behavior. Traits can include qualities like kindness, intelligence, courage, or any other feature that contributes to making the character unique and believable within a story.

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its a big long banana

What did Mr. Frank give Mrs. Frank?

a diary