English debtors founded the colony of Georgia in America in 1732. It was established as a buffer between the British colonies and Spanish Florida, as well as a place where debtors could make a fresh start.
Georgia was originally designed as a colony for debtors who were clogging up the prisons. However, on the first trip, very few debtors were actually able to go.
The difference between trade debtors and sundry debtors is trade debtors are specific debts like credit cards. Sundry debtors are a wide variety of debtors that can be from any source.
Debtors in England were sent to debtors prison.
Debtors in England were sent to debtors prison.
what are the advantages of debtors?
sundry means "various". Sundry debtors means various debtors which not only include credit sales, but also include all other debtors(related to financial and other debt). So Trade debtors was part of sundry debtors. ok
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why debtors and creditors are called as sundry? Debtors = In general business terminology means Customers to whom the goods are sold on credit. Sundry = Various Therefore Sundry Debtors means Debtors for various reasons and not merely for Credit Sales.
Debtors are aged to find out that who has not paid for longer time and which debtors need more focus efforts to realize money and which debtors are still in credit policy limit.
If memory serves, the British colony of Georgia was created primarily by prisoners released from the overcrowded debtors' prisons in England.
Debtors Anonymous was created in 1971.