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  • both are animals
  • both are warm-blooded
  • both walk upright on two legs but can slide on their bellies if they want to
  • both can swim
  • neither can fly without a machine
  • both can live in very cold climates


  • penguins are birds; humans are mammals
  • penguins have tiny brains; humans have big brains
  • penguins have flippers and webbed feet; humans have fingers and toes

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Q: What are some comparisons between humans and penguins?
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How endangered are penguins?

Some species of penguins are currently on the endangered list. Climate change and humans are responsible for penguins becoming endangered.

What are safety issues for humans from penguins?

Some safety issues for humanfrom penguins would be the penguins pecking you in the eye with its beak or possibly biting you..!

How are penguins becoming endangered?

Some species of penguins are currently on the endangered list. Climate change and humans are responsible for penguins becoming endangered.

What do humans use penguins for?

Humans do not typically use penguins for any specific purpose. Penguins are wild animals that are primarily found in their natural habitats such as Antarctica and other regions in the Southern Hemisphere. While penguins may be a source of fascination and enjoyment for people through activities like wildlife viewing and conservation efforts, they are not used by humans in the same way that some domesticated animals are.

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Comparisons between smartphones may be found on or, two popular websites featuring hundreds of reviews on any electronics.

Do penguins laugh?

Penguins do not laugh in the way humans do, but they may vocalize and communicate through various calls and sounds, some of which could be interpreted as laughing by humans. Penguins are known to be social animals with complex social interactions, so their vocalizations likely play a role in communication within their colonies.

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Where can a person go to view comparisons between car insurance companies in Toronto?

Some places where one could see comparisons between car insurance companies in Toronto are the following: insure dot0 com, progressive dot com and geico dot com.

What kind of graph shows comparisons?

Every graph shows comparisons of some kind or another.

What are some human activities that may directly or indirectly cause damage to the habitat of penguins?

Humans influence climate change and can cause penguins that live in colder climates to lose their habitat. Also overfishing of a penguins prey species could cause the penguins to lose feeding grounds and force the to move to other area to find food.

Can polar bears swim faster than humans?

Some can. Marlins are knows to swim at speeds of nearly 60 MPH, probably faster. Yet some are really slow.