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Double-layer means that there are two layers of the disk in which the data is held. Nearly every DVD and Blu-Ray movie is double-layered. Sometimes when the player transitions from one layer to another, it can create a short pause. But the disc being double-layered is good, for that means it can hold up 2 times more data than a single layer. A double-layered Blu-Ray holds up to a maximum of 50 GB of data, which is 5 times more data storage than a double-layered DVD's maximum

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Q: What are double layer Blu-ray disks?
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Do disks from UK work in Canada?

Yes, so long as they are the same type of disks, for example; bluray would work with bluray.

play 3D discs on any bluray player?

No. You need a BluRay player that specifically says it can read 3-D disks

Can you record blueray movies with blank DVD disks?

No. A standard DVD disk does not have the capacity to record a movie in BluRay format.

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The layer of the heart containing intercalated disks is the myocardium. Myocardium is one of the tissues of the heart that is made of cardiac muscles.

Can you play a double layer DVD in any DVD player?

Unless you have an old, old DVD player, most likely you'll be just fine, since most commercial DVD's on the market are double layer disks. Give it a try. If it doesn't, then it doesn't, but I'd be willing to bet a donut that it will.

How much can be stored on a DVD?

Depending on the DVD you may have: 4.7 GB (single-sided, single-layer - common) (Two hours of high quality video) 8.5-8.7 GB (single-sided, double-layer) (3.5 hours of high quality video) 9.4 GB (double-sided, single-layer) (4 hours of high quality video) 17.08 GB (double-sided, double-layer - rare) (8 hours of high quality video) Double sided disks can be written on both sides, which is why they hold about twice as much.

Will the jappanese version work on the American version?

If you want to import games it will work as PS3 games are not locked however PS2 games, bluray disks and dvds are so you cant import them

How much more information can be stored on a blu-ray disc than on a CD?

A Standard CD is 700MB whereas a single layer bluray is 25GB, doubled to 50GB for a dual layer, 100Gb for a triple layer and even 128Gb for a quadruple layer disk.

Is Blu-ray compatible with a 720 tv?

A television capable of displaying 720p is a high definition one and therefore will handle Bluray disks, whether they contain 1080 or 720 format video signals.

Will a HDMI up convert DVD player play blu-ray disks as well?

DVD players cannot play Bluray discs. The lasers and the data storage are different so no data can be read from a Bluray disc in a DVD drive. That is the case whether or not there is any up-scaling available in the player. Bluray players on the other hand are quite happy to play DVDs as well as Bluray discs.

What is the maximum storage capacity of a bluray disk?

20 to 50 gb(gigabytes) A single layer blu ray disc store 25GB of data and dual layer can store up to 50GB of data

Who invented Blu-ray disks?

Bluray is the development of Sony. It was produced to support HD video and must be considered more of a development than an invention. There are numerous technologies that went into the format and each was developed or enhanced by different teams of engineers. The Bluray system includes the manufacturing process for the discs, data encoding, laser specification and more.