His father got sick while Roger Thomas Staubach was in high school.
Mom is Cathy and dad is Roger.
mom and dad
Thomas is the name of his dad and Mary is the name of his mum.
he did have a dad, his name wasSamuel Ogden Edison and his mother i do not now
Thomas Edison is Thomas Edison because Thomas Edison is Thomas Ediison
Her father is unknown and her mothers name was Lillie Young
Gary Speed's father was Roger Speed and his mother was Carol Speed.
his mothwer was your mom and his dad made sweet tender love to you in your sleep
tiara hill and thomas hill
His dad's name was Joseph Pain, or Paine. AND his mom's name was Frances Paine.
justin calls his mom mom and his dad dad
Barack is type AB, so there are several possibilities: Mom A, Dad B Mom B, Dad A Mom AB, Dad A Mom AB, Dad B Mom A, Dad AB Mom B, Dad AB Mom AB, Dad AB