Because he only has hair on the sides of his head and the top ib bald.
Mike"the Situation" doesn't wear hats
He is bald
He is bald!
An outside wedding is one place you can always get away with wearing a hat.
Because he wants too.
he does wear it quite a lot, but not in all of his vids. have you seen that guy from jls? he always wears a hat. when hes onn tour, making a music video, doing an interveiw, signing outographs....... never once have i seen him not wearing a hat (except one of his album covers) dappy usually doesnt wear a hat when hes out and about. and a lot of his vids he doesnt wear the hat through out.
He is going bald, and the hat covers the bald spots
i will wear the hat!
You can wear any hat.
He doesn't want to be laughed at because he is going bald.
There are no cats in club penguin.