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First of all, it depends on a few variables. Are we talking about Lugia and Rayquaza from the anime? Or from the actual videogame series? And then subsequent questions would then be, where is the location? Is it in Lugia's domain (The Sea)? Or Rayquaza's domain (Sky Tower)? If it's in the videogame, which moves does Lugia know, and what moves does Rayquaza know?

There's no simple answers to questions like these. Most often times, you're going to find yourself in a "Who do I like more?" Rather than "Who is stronger in terms of battle?" But, in my opinoin, I love Lugia, but Rayquaza would probably win. Several reasons. Number one, he's a dragon-flying type, there's not many other types that are super effective against Dragon-Flying type, in contrast, Lugia is a Flying type, which allows for a lot more super effective attacks, such as Thunder which Rayquaza can learn in the videogame series. Also, Rayquaza is a later generation, which immediately makes him buffer than Lugia, unfortunately. In past games, Hp maxed out around three hundred. In later games, the Hp maxed out around 300-400.

And finally, it always depends on the trainer. If we ARE talking about a trainer battle. It depends if Rayquaza trainer and Lugia trainer took the time to EV train their pokemon or not.

Once again there's no easy answer. But I do hope this helps resolve any argument or concerns you have.

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rayquaza (more speed and accuracy)

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Q: Who would win Rayquaza or 2 Mewtwo?
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