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I believe you ask that because you have seen lightning at night, lightning is the color white and a little yellow, so then when it flashes, the light lightens up the darkness of the sky making it a little purple.

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3mo ago

The phenomenon you are describing is likely triggered by the scattering of light that occurs during a lightning strike. When lightning strikes, it ionizes the air, causing a rapid change in temperature and pressure that can lead to unusual light scattering effects. This can result in the sky appearing purple due to the way the different wavelengths of light are dispersed.

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Q: Why does the sky turn purple when lightning strikes?
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Does lighting hit something everytime it strikes?

Lightning does not hit something every time it strikes. There are various forms of lightning. Lightning that is classified as "cloud to ground" lightning will strike something in it's path. Another form of lightning is sheet lightning. This type of lighting illuminates the sky and spreads from cloud to cloud.

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Yes, the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand, is designed to attract and safely conduct lightning strikes away from its structure. Lightning protection systems are in place to prevent damage and ensure the safety of the building and occupants.

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Dyeing the sea purple would not automatically turn the sky purple. The color of the sky is primarily influenced by atmospheric conditions, such as scattering of sunlight by air particles, not by the color of the water.

How is sheet lightning different than lightning strikes?

Sheet lightning refers to diffuse lightning that illuminates the sky without a visible bolt, often occurring within clouds. In contrast, lightning strikes involve a visible flash of electrical discharge between clouds or between a cloud and the ground. Sheet lightning is more characterized by its glowing, widespread illumination compared to the focused, powerful discharge of a lightning strike.

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The weather itself does not directly cause the sky to turn purple. Instead, atmospheric conditions such as scattering of light particles during sunset or sunrise can create the illusion of a purple sky.

What direction does lightning strike?

Lightning can strike in any direction, including from the cloud to the ground, from the ground to the cloud, within the cloud itself, or even between clouds. Lightning is a fast and dynamic electrical discharge that can occur in various forms and directions during a thunderstorm.

What is colored lightning?

Lightning in the sky is colored oddly because the different temperatures of lightning make them that why. Mind you, I'm not exactly sure how they get hotter or colder, I do know that pruple lightning is the hottest. It almost reaches the temp of our sun.

Where did the expression out of the blue come from?

The full expression is: like a (lightning) bolt from the blue, meaning the rare instance of a bolt of lightning that strikes a long way from its cloudy source, seemingly out of a clear blue sky.

Which can form parralel streaks of lightning?

When lightning strikes, it can create parallel streaks of lightning in the sky. This occurs when the electrical discharge follows a relatively straight path through the atmosphere. This phenomenon can result in a spectacular display of multiple streaks of lightning running parallel to each other.

Does lightning travel from the sky to the ground or the ground to the sky?

Lightning typically travels from the sky to the ground. It is initiated by a downward-moving stepped leader from the cloud that is met by an upward-moving streamer from the ground, creating the visible lightning bolt.