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They use these models to...

  • Train- Crew members can learn to use the controls and get used to living in the vehicles. Practice is needed for every situation possible.
  • Test- This lets them test all parts of the craft, which is very important for safety. If one thing was to go wrong in space, everyone on the ship could die.
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Scientists use full-scale mock-ups of shuttles to test various aspects of the spacecraft, such as functionality, design, and compatibility, before the actual space missions. This helps to identify and address any potential issues or problems that may arise during the mission, ensuring the safety and success of the mission. Additionally, it allows engineers and astronauts to practice and familiarize themselves with the spacecraft's operations in a controlled environment.

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How many space shuttles launched before the Challenger?

There were five space shuttle missions that launched before Challenger, starting with Columbia in April 1981.

Roughly how many times does a space shuttle go into space before NASA gets a new one?

Space shuttles were designed for multiple missions, typically flying around 25-30 missions before being retired. NASA had multiple space shuttles in its fleet, such as Atlantis, Discovery, Endeavour, and Columbia, which were used for various missions before being replaced.

How many times can a space shuttle conduct a mission?

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Why does NASA have multiple space shuttles?

NASA had multiple space shuttles as each one was designed for specific missions and to provide redundancy in case one shuttle had issues. Having multiple shuttles allowed NASA to rotate them for maintenance and ensure continuous access to space for research and exploration. Additionally, having multiple shuttles enabled NASA to have a fleet to support various missions simultaneously.

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No. Well it depends how you phrase your question, he was famous before his trip to the moon by all the test drives on rockets and shuttles he did. So he went to the moon after he was famous.

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The space shuttle Endeavour did not crash. It completed 25 successful missions before being retired in 2011.

How many space shuttles were built?

Five space shuttles were built by NASA: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. These shuttles were used for various missions in space exploration before the program was retired in 2011.

What reptile do they have to clear from the runway before they can land the shuttles at the Kennedy Space Center?

The reptile that have to be cleared from the runway before they can land the shuttles at the Kennedy Space Center are female turtles. They will come on shore during the night to lay their eggs.

How was the space shuttle different from other spacecraft before it?

Space craft prior to the space shuttles were one-time-use vehicles. The space shuttles were made to be multiple use vehicles.

What year did space shuttle Discovery blow up?

Discovery has not been destroyed, but is still undertaking missions. Only the space shuttle Challenger (January 28, 1986) and Columbia ( February 1, 2003) have been destroyed in accidents.

How many missions are there on clubpenguin?

I think there are 8 missions you have to complete before you become a secret agent.