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If one thinks a Moon landing is the arrival of an intact (i.e not a crash into the Moon) unmanned spacecraft onto the Moon's surface, then the Russians were the first to do this in 1966

However, if one thinks of a Moon landing as the arrival and return of a manned spacecraft onto the Moon's surface then the people of US were the first to do this in 1969. No other nation has yet made a manned moon landing.

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The United States was the first country to land humans on the moon on July 20, 1969 with the Apollo 11 mission. The Soviet Union, now Russia, had unmanned missions to the moon before the United States, but never successfully landed humans on its surface.

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Q: Who landed on moon first US or Russia?
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Who were the first to land on the moon the Russia or US?

The United States were the first to land on the moon with the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. The Soviet Union, now Russia, had attempted but never successfully landed astronauts on the moon.

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The name of the US spacecraft that first landed on the moon was Apollo 11.

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No woman has yet landed on the moon. Only American Men have landed on the moon thus far.

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The first year the US landed on the moon was in 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission.

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No, Russia has not landed humans on the moon. The Soviet Union, which was the precursor to Russia, launched several unmanned lunar missions, but did not achieve a manned moon landing like the United States.

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Russia -- Russia never landed on the moon. Only the US has actually landed on the moon, no other nation has done so. There are many conspiracy theories claiming other nations have, but the stories don't stand up to examination.

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No Russia was, but we America was first to get on the moon.

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The US space mission to the moon was named Apollo.

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The spacecraft that landed on the moon for the US was called Apollo 11. It landed on the moon on July 20, 1969 with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin aboard.

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Surveyor 1 landed on the moon and was the first US lunar lander.