All of Zeus' chilrden are
All of Zeus' chilrden are:
Aphrodite(goddess of sexuality)
Athena(goddess of wisdom)
Kratos(god of strength)
Hercules hero, not a god)
Nike(goddess of victory)
Apollo(god of music and poetry)
Artemis don't know...)
If i didn't get all, at least i got u some...
And if I'm incorrect with the last 3, sorry.
P.S: I took a Greek goddess quiz and it said I'm Artemis but i luv Athena bcuz shes so pure and unlike Aphrodite lolx
ConsortsChildrenAlkmeneHeraklesDanaePerseusDemeterPersephoneDioneAphroditeIoEpaphosLaodameiaSarpedonMaiaHermesMetisAtheneSemeleDionysosEuropaRhadamanthysMinosLetoApolloArtemisLedaHelenKastorPolydekusHeraAresHebeEileithyiaEurynomeThe GracesEuphrosyneThaliaAglaiaThemisThe FatesKlothoLachesisAtroposThe HoraiEunomiaDikeEireneMnemosyneThe MusesKalliopeEuterpeMelpomenePolymniaTerpsichoreKleioThaleiaOuraniaErato
Zeus: Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and the goddesses Artemis and Athena and dionysus.
Children of ZeusApollo [Zeus and Leto]Ares and Hephaestus [Zeus and Hera]Artemis [ Zeus and Leto]Athena[Zeus and Metis]Dionysus [Zeus and Semele]Hebe , Discord, and Eileithyia [Zeus and Hera]Persephone [Zeus and Demeter]Helen [Zeus and Leda]Hercules [Zeus and Alcmene]Hermes [Zeus and Maia]Aphrodite [Zeus and Dione]The Muses [ Zeus and Mnemosyne]The Graces [Zeus and Eurynome]Pandia [Zeus and Selene]The Horae, The Moirae [ Zeus and Themis]Perseus [Zeus and Danae]
Yes, Apollo and Artemis are the only children of Leto and Zeus in Greek mythology.
Zeus' siblings were Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. They were all children of the Titans Cronus and Rhea.
In Greek mythology, Zeus did not have a baby with his sister, Hera. However, Zeus did have children with other goddesses, nymphs, and mortal women. Hera and Zeus were siblings and married in mythology.
Since his father,Cronus,ate all of his children Rhea Zeus's mother fed Cronus a rock,and Rhea hid Zeus away on a island.
No, Zeus did not eat his children. Zeus' father, Cronus ate all of his children except for Zeus.
zeus did kill some of his children because they were braking the rule
zeus did kill some of his children because they were braking the rule
yes he had children
no poseidon is ZEUS brother.
Children of ZeusApollo [Zeus and Leto]Ares and Hephaestus [Zeus and Hera]Artemis [ Zeus and Leto]Athena[Zeus and Metis]Dionysus [Zeus and Semele]Hebe , Discord, and Eileithyia [Zeus and Hera]Persephone [Zeus and Demeter]Helen [Zeus and Leda]Hercules [Zeus and Alcmene]Hermes [Zeus and Maia]Aphrodite [Zeus and Dione]The Muses [ Zeus and Mnemosyne]The Graces [Zeus and Eurynome]Pandia [Zeus and Selene]The Horae, The Moirae [ Zeus and Themis]Perseus [Zeus and Danae]
Demeter had one child with Zeus, a daughter named Persephone.
Yes, as the siblings of Athena would be the children of Zeus - almost all of the children of Zeus had children of their own.
Yes he did and all of Zeus's siblings then Zeus broke out of his head. Then when Zeus had children he ate them and they escaped.
Athena did not have children.