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Afternoon thunderstorms

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Q: Which would not be associated with stable atmoshperic conditions?
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When the weather is sunny and bright how is the air pressure?

When the weather is sunny and bright, air pressure tends to be higher. High pressure systems are generally associated with clear skies and calm weather conditions.

What if people could live on antarctica?

Living on Antarctica would be extremely challenging due to its harsh climate, extreme isolation, and lack of infrastructure. Building sustainable habitats, securing a stable food supply, and coping with extreme weather conditions would be major obstacles to overcome. Strict environmental regulations would also be necessary to protect Antarctica's delicate ecosystem.

How would you describe a nimbus cloud?

A nimbus cloud is a type of cloud characterized by its dark, dense appearance and ability to produce precipitation. These clouds are often associated with rain showers, thunderstorms, and other severe weather conditions.

Conditions for life to exist in space?

For life to exist in space, it would need a source of energy, such as sunlight, to support metabolic processes. Water is essential for life as we know it, so the presence of liquid water or the building blocks of water, such as hydrogen and oxygen, would also be necessary. Additionally, a stable environment with suitable temperatures and protection from harmful radiation would be vital for sustaining life in space.

What does stellar conditions mean?

"Stellar" means of or in relation to stars. As such, "stellar conditions" would be the conditions within a star or relative g to stars (depending on context)

Related questions

What would NOT be associated with stable atmospheric conditions?

Turbulent winds and rapidly changing temperatures would not be associated with stable atmospheric conditions. Stable conditions typically involve calm winds and consistent temperatures over a period of time.

Would not be associated with stable atmospheric conditions alternoontunderstormswidespred fog buildup of pollutants?

Afternoon thunderstorms

Which would be associated with stable atmospheric conditions?

Cold air below warm air, no vertical air movement, stratus clouds and fog.

Does a bull market occur when business conditions are bad?

No, a bull market is associated with an upswing in the market, which would indicate that business conditions are good. A bear market is associated with poor business conditions.

What weather conditions would make the mountain climbers optimestic?

Mountain climbers would be optimistic if the weather conditions were clear skies, minimal wind, and moderate temperatures. They would want good visibility, stable footing, and comfortable conditions to ensure safety and enjoyment during their climb.

Why are gas thermometer more sensitive than liquid thermometer?

bc gas is easily compressed so it would have a more versitile range of measurement at least in our atmoshperic conditions. liquid not so easily compressed so very little pressure via mass w/gravity or heat would cause it to quickly jump between changes.

Where would you find minerals that are stable under low temperature and pressure?

At the earth's surface. The deeper you go in the earth, the higher the pressure and temperature, and the minerals that are stable under low temperature and pressure become unstable, and turn into other minerals that are stable under those conditions.

Would aluminum oxide decompose readily upon heating?

Aluminum oxide does not readily decompose upon heating. It has a high melting point of around 2,072 degrees Celsius and is a stable compound that does not decompose easily under normal heating conditions.

Is a large patch of the atmosphere that has the same weather conditions throughout?

That would be a high-pressure system. High-pressure systems typically bring fair weather and stable atmospheric conditions across a large area.

How does an octopus keep its conditions stable?

Well, once an octopus is in the water, when people are gathered around the octopus, its more likely for the octopus, to be flexible, and go near other people, of course, only if the octopus can see the audience watching it in the sea. Otherwise, i wouldn't say that it would be flexible, and that is when it keeps its moves to itself to keep its conditions stable.

A region has a low pressure and a high pressure system moves in what is best prediction about the weather from this information?

the answer is A.) clear

What type of cloud you would see on a warm sunny day?

Cumulus clouds are often associated with fair weather and are the type of clouds you would likely see on a warm sunny day. They are fluffy, white clouds with flat bases and are usually found at lower altitudes. These clouds typically indicate stable atmospheric conditions.