Galileo Galilei was the first to invent the thermometer formerly known as thermoscope in 1592.
In 1592, the theatres in London were closed due to the outbreak of the plague, which forced many actors, including Shakespeare, to halt their performances. This event significantly impacted the theatrical scene and led to a period of uncertainty for the industry.
There are dozens. "Famous" for astronomy, or "famous" for other reasons? Carl Sagan, Edwin Hubble, James Lick, George Hale, to name a very few.
The thermometer was invented in Italy by Galileo Galilei in the early 1600s. It was later improved upon by other scientists, such as Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit and Anders Celsius.
This first known wheelchair was invented in 1592 for Phillip II of Spain. No one knows who made this one but in 1655 Stephen Farfler built a self-propelling chair.
it was invaded by England in 1592 and had a war in 1597
yes infact there was medicine in 1592, actually i believe that was the year that penicillin was found!
The Tudor monarch on the throne in 1592 was Queen Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603).
The first pair of all-iron skates goes to a Scotsman who invented them in 1592. England had the first speed skating race in 1763.
William Shakespeare died in England in 1592. He was one of the most influential story tellers of all time.