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The atmosphere is made of gas molecules.

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Q: Where is most of the gas molecules in the atmosphere found?
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Were are most of the gas molecules in the atmosphere found?

This is the lowest portion of atmosphere - troposphere.

Where are most of the gas molecules in the atmosphere found?

Most of the gas molecules in the atmosphere are found in the lower part of the atmosphere, called the troposphere. This is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's surface, where most weather events occur and where most living organisms exist.

In which layer are most gas molecules found?

Most gas molecules are found in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere. This is the layer where weather occurs and where most living organisms reside.

Is phosphorus the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?

No, nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, making up about 78% of the atmosphere. Phosphorus is not found as a gas in the atmosphere; it is primarily found in solid or dissolved forms in minerals, rocks, soils, and living organisms.

Where is helium most common found?

Helium is most commonly found in natural gas deposits underground. It is produced through the decay of radioactive elements in rocks, and can be extracted during the refining process of natural gas.

Most of the nitrogen found in the atmosphere is found in what form?

N2 gas

What gas is found in the most abundance in the atmosphere?


What is the second most abundant gas found in the atmosphere?

The second most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere is oxygen, which makes up about 21% of the gases in the atmosphere.

What layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with the rays from the sun?

Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with rays from the sun

What do molecules bounce around in?

Molecules bounce around in a gas or liquid medium. In gases, molecules move freely and collide with each other and the container walls. In liquids, molecules move more slowly but still have enough energy to move around and interact with each other.

What layer of the atmosphere has the highest density of gas molecules?

The troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere, has the highest density of gas molecules. As you move higher into the atmosphere, such as into the stratosphere or mesosphere, the density of gas molecules decreases.

What is a primary gas found in the earths atmosphere?

The primary gas found in Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen, making up about 78% of the air we breathe. Oxygen is the second most abundant gas, making up about 21% of the atmosphere.