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When the air mass is like the hot-air balloon =P

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5d ago

A hot air balloon behaves like an air mass in a high pressure area when it is descending. As the balloon descends, it enters a region of higher atmospheric pressure where the surrounding air is denser. This denser air can cause the hot air balloon to slow down and even sink if it cannot maintain its buoyancy.

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Q: When is a hot air balloon behaving like an air mass in a high pressure area?
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How does an hot air balloon react to a high pressure area?

In a high pressure area, the hot air balloon will tend to float lower as the surrounding air is denser and exerts more pressure on the balloon. This can cause the balloon to descend unless the pilot adjusts the temperature of the air inside the balloon to maintain altitude.

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Blowing up a balloon is not an example of diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, while blowing up a balloon involves forcing air into the balloon using pressure.

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Heating a balloon will cause the air inside it to expand, increasing the pressure. If the pressure becomes too high, the balloon may burst.

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The pressure pushes it around depending on how high or low the air pressure is.ANSWERAir moves from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. If you have a water balloon and you squeeze it, the area where your fingers are is similar to a high pressure zone. The water then flows away from your fingers to the lower pressure areas of the balloon. That is how air flows in the atmosphere. Things such as humidity and temperature differences cause the different pressure zones, and the air flows from high pressure areas to lower pressure ones.

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A balloon pops at high altitudes due to the decrease in air pressure as altitude increases. The lower pressure inside the balloon causes it to expand until it can no longer contain the internal pressure, leading to a rupture or popping.

A balloon placed in which condition will be the largest?

A balloon placed in a condition of low pressure will be the largest. This is because the lower the pressure of the surrounding air, the more the balloon will expand to equalize the pressure inside and outside of the balloon.

Why would a balloon explode if heated?

When a balloon is heated, the air inside it expands and exerts pressure on the walls of the balloon. If the pressure becomes too high, it can exceed the strength of the balloon material, causing it to burst or explode.

Why does an inflated balloon kept under the sun burst after some time?

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Why balloon burst while it pin?

When a balloon is pierced with a pin, the sudden pressure from the sharp object creates a small tear in the balloon's thin material. This tear rapidly expands due to the high pressure inside the balloon, causing the balloon to burst.

Why does air rush out of a hole in a balloon?

Air rushes out of a hole in a balloon because of the pressure difference between the higher pressure inside the balloon and the lower pressure outside. This pressure gradient causes the air to flow from high pressure to low pressure until the pressures equalize.

Why is there air pressure in a balloon?

It is caused from unequal heating among the atmosphere. So in an area if it is heated then then the air will be less cool and denser. It is caused from unequal heating among the atmosphere. So in an area if it is heated then then the air will be less cool and denser.

Why does the pressure outside the balloon decrease as it rises?

As the balloon rises, it enters regions of the atmosphere with lower air pressure. Since the air pressure inside the balloon remains relatively constant, the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the balloon causes the balloon to expand as it ascends.