You cannot even get within like 1,000,000 miles from the sun unless you want to be totally burned flesh bone and all... so there is no possible way you even CAN touch the sun...
Touching the sun is impossible for humans as it is a massive ball of burning gas located millions of miles away. If somehow you were able to come into contact with the sun, you would be instantly vaporized due to the extreme heat and radiation present on its surface. It is not possible for any object, including humans, to physically touch the sun and survive.
If someone were to touch the sun, they would instantly vaporize due to the extreme heat and radiation emitted by the sun's surface, which can reach temperatures of millions of degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, the sun is so massive that it would be physically impossible for a person to even get close enough to touch it without being pulled into its gravity and incinerated.
You will not ever get close to the Sun, touching it is far, far different from even going within 1000000 kilometers or "light-years" of the Sun's radius. Otherwise, if some miracle happened and you did touch the Sun, you would die straight away.
we would die
If the earth got pulled in closer to the sun, or if the sun expands significantly, then the earth will get much warmer. That said, nothing like that is going to happen for a couple billion years yet.
It is not possible to physically touch the sun due to its extreme temperature and distance from Earth. If somehow someone managed to get close enough to the sun, the intense heat and radiation would be fatal long before actually touching it.
Our moon has no atmosphere to touch.
The heat of the sun is so intense that you would die even before you got close enough to touch the sun. In fact, one of the doomsday theories is that the earth will get just a little closer to the sun and the earth would basically burn to a crisp. It is safe to say that you won't ever get a chance to touch the sun because you would die before it would even happen.
u cant even touch the sun because your whole body would burn before u got there
If someone were to touch the sun, they would instantly vaporize due to the extreme heat and radiation emitted by the sun's surface, which can reach temperatures of millions of degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, the sun is so massive that it would be physically impossible for a person to even get close enough to touch it without being pulled into its gravity and incinerated.
Nothing would happen.
You will not ever get close to the Sun, touching it is far, far different from even going within 1000000 kilometers or "light-years" of the Sun's radius. Otherwise, if some miracle happened and you did touch the Sun, you would die straight away.
if you touch it then you will lose touch .
No. If you could touch the Sun, it would feel like air does.
Because you would burn.
you would cry
you would become the opposite gender
The sun would win.