Even gods had flaws. Apollo's flaw is like his father Zeus's flaw. Apollo kept falling in and out of love with everyone. And of course it often ended in tragedy examples - the mortal Cassandra. Apollo fell for her and gave her the gift of seeing the future in return for 'favors'. However she didn't live up to her end of the deal and Apollo cursed her so no one would believe her vision of the future. Another was when Apollo gave chase to the nymph Daphne whom he fell in love with - thanks to one of cupid's arrows - however Daphne was one of Artemis's followers and wished to stay a virgin. So she beckoned her father Peneus to save her. And so he changed her daughter into a Laurel tree. That tree later became Apollo's sacred tree.
Hope this helps.
One major flaw of Apollo in Greek mythology was his arrogance. He often displayed a sense of superiority and lacked humility, leading him to act impulsively and make mistakes in his judgments and decisions. This flaw sometimes resulted in conflicts and negative consequences for those around him.
Artemis, twin sister
Apollos, the Greek god, had several children in Greek mythology including Orpheus, Asclepius, and Aristaeus. Orpheus is known for his musical talent, Asclepius is the god of medicine and healing, and Aristaeus is associated with agriculture and beekeeping.
Apollo was one of the 12 major gods in Greek mythology.He was the god of music, truth, healing, the sun, and prophecy. He was also associated with being a protector of young men and maintaining order and harmony.
Apollo was the Greek god of light, music, and poetry. His realm was associated with the sun, healing, and prophecy. He was often depicted as an archer and a musician.
Apollo was known as the god of music, prophecy, healing, and the sun in ancient Greek mythology. He was also associated with poetry, art, and archery.
Apollo was the greek god of the Sun, Medicine and poetry.
A lyre and a curved bow
Artemis, twin sister
Apollos, the Greek god, had several children in Greek mythology including Orpheus, Asclepius, and Aristaeus. Orpheus is known for his musical talent, Asclepius is the god of medicine and healing, and Aristaeus is associated with agriculture and beekeeping.
According to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, it was his tendency to hold grudges.
Apollo was a Greek god, the son of Zeus and Leto. He was the god of light, the sun, truth, and prophecy.
It is at Delphi. If you want more specific, Google it
Heru was one of Apollos best friend and would hunt togetherAnswered by: MIREYA M.
Apollo, greek goddess of the sun, had one sister, whose name was Artemis, goddess of the moon and the Hunt.
The Greek god Apollo was adopted by the Romans. He retained his name which was latinised as Apollo. There were several versions of the name in Greek; Apollon, Apellon and Aploun.