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If someone is trying to make a model of the solar system, and the goal is to represent it as it is, scaled-down of course, then there will be one very big problem. The problem would be exactly the scaling. The Sun is significantly larger than any of the planets in the solar system. While the planets

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Q: What problems might you face when modeling the Sun and the revolving planets to the same scale What assumptions might you have to make in your model?
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They rotate. Travel around the sun is called revolving.

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Planets do not collide while revolving around the sun because they follow different orbital paths with varying speeds. These paths are determined by the gravitational pull of the sun, which keeps the planets in stable orbits. Additionally, the vast distances between planets provide enough space to prevent collisions.

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The last time the planets aligned in a straight line while revolving around the sun was on March 20, 1345. This phenomenon, known as a planetary alignment, occurs when several planets appear in a line relative to the sun from the perspective of Earth.

Do moons revolve around other planets?

Yes. A moon (or natural satellite) do revolve around other planets besides Earth. The only two planets without moons revolving around them are Mercury and Venus.