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Sally Stitch is a fictional character from ghost whisper so I don't know why after years people are making it look true

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Sally Stitch is a fictional character from the video game "Among Us." She is one of the many pet options available for players to equip and bring with them into the game. Sally Stitch is a purple alien-like creature with stitches on its face.

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Q: What is Sally Stitch?
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WHAT was the story of Sally stitch?

Sally went to school with a girl named Christyna short for Angelica. Sally liked talking about people and spreading rumors. Sally over heard Christyna telling the teacher she had herb's and Sally started telling everyone, while the teacher was in shock. Christyna went around school trying to figure out who spread the rumor and overheard. When she found out it was Sally she was furious! Sally went home and told her mom, and her mother beat her to teach her a lesson. That night she received a call saying that Christyna was coming to get her. Sally was not scared. The next day, Sally walked outside to catch the bus for school, she saw Christyna waiting for her. Sally waited until Christyna left. Christyna grew tired of waiting and finally started to cross the street. All of a sudden, the bus came a hit Christyna. Sally screamed when she saw Christyna lying in the street crushed and bloody. Sally followed the ambulance to the hospital, and waited to see if Christyna would make it. The doctor came in and said that Christyna had hit her head really hard and died the instant the bus hit her. Sally went home scared, wondering if Christyna would still come to get her even though she was dead. She went to bed around 9:00 and slept until something woke her up. She saw Christyna standing at the end of her bed. Sally was paralyzed with fear.Christyna pulled a sewing needle out of one of Sally's desk drawers and came toward her. Sally didn't scream, she was to scared. Christyna began to sew her eyes and mouth shut and saying to Sally the entire time, maybe this will teach you to keep your mouth shut. Sally's mom came home that night, and found her daughter lying on her bedroom floor with her eyes and mouth sewed shut. All her mother could do was scream the next day after they buried sally her mother went home to find writing on the wall in blood that said that will teach her to keep her mouth shut And that is the story of Sally Stitch :!

What color is sally ride's eyes?

Sally Rides eyes are a light green or light brown.

Where was Sally Rides family born?

Sally Ride's family was originally from California. Her parents were born in the state, and Sally herself was born in Los Angeles, California.

What was the name of Sally Ride's space ship?

Sally Ride went aloft in the space shuttle Challenger in 1983.

What collor is Sally rides hair?

Sally Ride had light brown hair.

Related questions

Was sally stitch a true story?

No, "Sally Stitch" is not based on a true story. It is a fictional character in the realm of horror stories and urban legends.

Where is the sally stitch picture found?

Sally Stitches picture was found were her mother died

How did the sally stitch chain letter go?


How does sally stitch chain letter goes?

It doesn't go because the letter is not real but Sally stich is because she wrote on my walls she will kill me but she didn't

Was sally stitch in the movie wax house or not in it?

No. Sally Stitch is a girl who has her eyes and mouth stitched shut and she murders those are evil-spirited as a way to get revenge on those her hurt her during her life time. She has little black stitches through out her dress, on her arms, legs, feet, and hands, long black hair to her waist, bangs that cover her eyebrows, and "X" stitches across her eyes and mouth. Anyhow, Sally Stitch was murdered by her best friend, Veronica who stabbed her in the heart with a long silver sewing needle after Sally Stitch choked Veronica and cut her eyes open.

What actors and actresses appeared in A Stitch in Time - 2010?

The cast of A Stitch in Time - 2010 includes: Sally Beaumont as News Broadcaster Ed Cooper Clarke as Dave

Is the Sally stitch message real?

well i don't really no if its true or not because its pretty scary

When did Sally stitch die?

At her own house after she told ever body something and her friend stabbed her in the heart.:(

How did sally stitch die?

After she emailed everyone her friend Veronica stabbed her with a needle to the heart. This of course was after she chocked Veronica and cut open her eyes.

What is the name of the episode In ghost whisperer that has Sally stitch in it?

It's episode 24 season 3 I dont know the offical name but that is the episode number

What happened to sally stitch and scarlet in ghost whisperer?

Well, as we know, Sally Stitch, the actual ghost, appeared at the very end, talking to the little girl, who had been sending the forwarding messages for her. But what happened to her? She was only in one episode, and the next episode, she was gone! And Malinda did'nt enen help her! I personally think she joined the shadows. And what about that guy with the face seizure thing at the hospital? He was with the shadows too. These episodes are introducing the shadows.

When was Stitch by Stitch created?

A Stitch for Time was created in 1987.