Seventy-two hours from Thursday at 1 AM would be Sunday at 1 AM. To calculate this, we add 72 hours to the initial time. Thursday to Friday is 24 hours, Friday to Saturday is another 24 hours, and Saturday to Sunday is the final 24 hours, totaling 72 hours.
What is 72 hour Friday
August 1, 1946, was a Thursday.
It is possible, but not guaranteed. Weather patterns can change quickly, so while it may have rained at midnight, it doesn't necessarily predict sunny weather 72 hours later.
It takes about 3 days, or roughly 72 hours, to travel from Earth to the moon by spacecraft. The exact duration can vary slightly depending on the specific mission and trajectory used.
Oh, dude, let me break out my calculator for this super complex math problem. So, 72 hours from 3am Sunday morning would be... 3am on Wednesday morning! Like, you could totally set your alarm for that if you want to, but who even wakes up that early on a Wednesday, am I right?
August 13, 1970 was a Thursday.
What is 72 hrs from yesterday, Thursday 10am?
Well, honey, if you can count to three, you'll figure out that 72 hours from Monday at 1 am is Thursday at 1 am. Simple math, darling, no need to make it more complicated than it is.
Thursday is 72 hours from Monday
72 hours is exactly 3 days. 72 hours later is Wednesday at 9am. 72 hours earlier is Thursday at 9am.
72 hours before it is 4am on Friday morning. 72 hours after it is 4am on Thursday morning.
thursday 10.00 a.m
Well honey, if you can count to three, then 72 hours from Thursday would land you right on Sunday. So mark your calendar and enjoy your long weekend, darling.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! If we start at Monday 6 pm and add 72 hours, we end up at Thursday 6 pm. Just imagine all the beautiful things you can create in those 72 hours!
72 hours after any time on Tuesday is the same time on Friday. If you go back 72 hours, you are at the previous Saturday.
It's 72 hours.That is 3 full days, so it is 3 by 24 which is 72 hours.
Dhsfytf gkbdhug fhssd. Gndbghh
today is tuesday will the pills still be in my system on thursday