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Islamic Flag

I think the flag you are looking for is the Singapore flag.
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Turkey has a red flag with a white crescent moon and five-pointed stars.

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Q: What country has a red and white flag white crescent moon and 5 white stars?
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What country has white crescent moon red and green background?

Comoro Islands had a flag with a green over red field, with a white crescent moon and white stars during the 1970's. There is no longer any red in the Comoro flag.

Singapor flag is red and what color?

Red and White with a crescent moon and 5 stars

The flag of which predominantly Muslim country is red with a white crescent moon and star superimposed?

The flag you are describing belongs to Turkey, a predominantly Muslim country located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The red background symbolizes the blood shed for the country's independence, while the white crescent moon and star are symbols of Islam.

What color are the stars of the us flag?

They are white.

What country's flag has a crescent moon and a star on it?

The flag with a crescent moon and a star is Turkey's flag.

What country's flag has a crescent moon with 1 star?

Turkey's flag has a crescent moon and one star.

What is a crescent moon with two stars and pi symbol?

It has nothing with Islam religion. It is not a religious symbol. It could be related to a flag of a country.

Which country has a five pointed star and a crescent on its flag?

the answer to this question is the South Africa flag is the best flag with 5 points and a crescent on it.

What colors and symbols are on the Turkish flag?

Turkey's flag is red and white, with a (white) crescent and star in the middle

What are the colors on the flag of Pakistan?

The Pakistani flag consists of the colours white and dark-green.

What flag did the us have when they became a country?

The flag was like the US's flag today, 13 red and white stripes, in the top left corner a blue background, with white stars. Only their were 13 stars, for the 13 colonies. The stars were in a circle. As the US adopted more states, more stars were added.

What symbol is on the turkiesh flag?

The flag of turkey is a red flag with a white crescent moon and a star in its centre.