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pink and green and yellow

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Albert Einstein had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.

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Q: What color hair and eyes did Albert Einstein have?
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What was the color of Albert Einstein's hair?

Einstein had dark brown eyes and black a kid to a young adult, his hair color was dark brown. but when he got older he got silvery hair. (like most old geezers)

What is Albert Einstein's pshyical description?

Albert Einstein was a renowned physicist with disheveled hair and mustache. He was often seen wearing simple, casual clothing and had a distinctive, thoughtful expression.

Was Albert Einstein's Natural Hair Color black?

Yes. Or dark brown as a child.

Fun fact about albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he declined the offer.

What was Einstein' s hair color?

Einstein had light brown hair.

Why did Albert Einstein's hair turn white?

Albert Einstein's hair turned white due to a combination of genetics and stress. It is believed that the stress from his work and personal life contributed to the premature graying of his hair.

What are some physical characteristics of Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein had a distinctive receding hairline, bushy mustache, and deep-set eyes. He was also known for his relatively small stature and casual, unassuming manner of dressing.

Did Albert Einstein become crazy?

because of his hair and mustache

Physical appereance of albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein was known for his wild and unkempt hair, often seen sticking out in various directions. He had a mustache and deep-set eyes, with a slightly disheveled appearance that added to his iconic image as a brilliant scientist.

Was Einstein a brunette before his hair went white?

Yes, Albert Einstein had dark brown hair before it turned white as he aged.

Did Albert Einstein eat pie?

Yes, hair pie. Lots of it.

Was Albert Einstein is bald headed?

Yes, Albert Einstein was bald later in life. He had significant hair loss as he aged, leading to a mostly bald appearance.