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A spacesuit

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Q: What clothing do you need to bring to the moon?
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Will you need protective clothing on the moon?


Would you need a smaller clothing size when traveling to the moon?

You don't wear clothing on the moon. You wear space suits.

Do you really need to bring food on the moon?

Yes, astronauts need to bring food with them to the moon as there are no food sources available on the moon's surface. Food is necessary to provide the required nutrients and energy for the astronauts during their mission.

What equipment do you need to bring to Antarctica?

at least 6 layers of warm clothing and boots

Who flies to the moon?

Astronauts fly in rockets to the moon. They need to wear special clothing and masks so they can breathe because there is no oxygen in the solar system.

What questions should you ask about a pilgrimage?

Where are we going? Why are we going there? Do I need a passport? What kind of clothing should I bring?

How many wishes do you need to get for the wishing shrine in harvest moon animal parade?

You need to bring ten wishes to the Wishing Shrine.

How do i get to the 999 th floor on harvest moon?

This is Very Hard Bring LOTS OF FOOD cause you will need it

Is 50 Feet of Nylon Rope good for going on the moon?

No, nylon rope would not be suitable for use on the moon. The extreme temperatures, lack of atmosphere, and abrasive lunar regolith would likely damage or compromise the integrity of the nylon material. Specialized materials and equipment designed for space exploration missions are required.

What vital things do you need in the south pole?

-- food -- shelter -- fuel -- means of communication with civilization -- reading material -- warm clothing -- more warm clothing -- REALLY warm clothing -- clean underwear Much like on the Moon or Mars.

What kind of clothing is needed to travel in the moon?

I don't think you travel "in" the moon...

Can you bring meat to the moon?
