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It causes the tides. Tides are also caused - to a lesser degree - by Sun's gravity.

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Kaylah Ward

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Q: What cause moons gravity?
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What is the cause of tides in sea?

the moons gravity

What is a cause of the tides in the seas?

the moons gravity.

The pull of what gravity on seawater cause tidal currents?

Our moons gravity.

What Differences in the moons pull on different parts of earth cause what?

the tides and gravity

Does the planet with the most moons get the strongest gravity?

In our solar system, at least, the planet with the greatest mass does happen to be the one with the most known moons. But I think the cause and effect work the other way. It's not the moons that give the planet strong gravity. It's the strong gravity of the planet that captures a bunch of moons.

Do all of the moons not have gravity?

Everything has gravity, the bigger it is the more it has. Moons DO have gravity, but it might be less than Earth's.

Why planets and moons of planets stay in their orbits?

The forces of gravity between two masses are the cause of all orbits.

How do planets get there moons?

by gravity

Does the moons orbit cause ice storms?

Not specifically. The Moon's gravity does cause Earth's tides, and tides do affect the weather, but weather is more of a local phenomenon.

What keeps moons in their orbit?


Is there grivity on Jupiter?

There is gravity. There is gravity on all planets, moons, and stars.

What does the galilean moons have to do with gravity?

Gravity keeps them in orbit around Jupiter.