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the star is the bigger than by the sun.the sun is the star

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Astronomers use instruments such as spectrometers to analyze starlight and determine a star's chemical composition, temperature, and motion. Telescopes are used to observe stars and capture images at different wavelengths. Interferometers combine signals from multiple telescopes to create high-resolution images of stars and star systems.

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Q: What are the other instruments used by astronomers in gathering information about stars?
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Who studies the stars moons and planets?

Astronomers study stars, moons, and planets. They observe, analyze, and interpret data gathered from telescopes and other instruments to learn more about the universe.

What is the instruments and procedure in gathering information about outer space?

Instruments like telescopes, satellites, and space probes are used to gather information about outer space. Telescopes observe distant celestial objects, satellites orbit Earth to study our planet and beyond, and space probes travel to explore other planets, moons, and asteroids. Data collected from these instruments is then analyzed by scientists to better understand the universe.

What are scientists called who study the Universe?

Scientists who study the Universe are called astronomers. They use telescopes and other instruments to observe and analyze celestial objects like stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes. Some astronomers also study the fundamental forces and laws that govern the Universe.

What type of scientist study stars and planets?

astronomers!!!!! There are many different fields withing research into space all with specific names and job roles. Some include: Cosmologists Astronomers Plantologists "Space Scientist" Various engineering roles connected with space missions just to name a few :/

What are the instruments used to study the solar system?

Instruments used to study the solar system include telescopes (both ground-based and space-based), spectrographs for analyzing light emissions, spacecraft for direct observation and data collection, and radar for studying planetary surfaces and compositions. Other tools include particle detectors, magnetometers, and radio telescopes.

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What are other instruments used by the astronomers to study about stars?


Who studies the stars moons and planets?

Astronomers study stars, moons, and planets. They observe, analyze, and interpret data gathered from telescopes and other instruments to learn more about the universe.

What is the instruments and procedure in gathering information about outer space?

Instruments like telescopes, satellites, and space probes are used to gather information about outer space. Telescopes observe distant celestial objects, satellites orbit Earth to study our planet and beyond, and space probes travel to explore other planets, moons, and asteroids. Data collected from these instruments is then analyzed by scientists to better understand the universe.

What are scientists called who study the Universe?

Scientists who study the Universe are called astronomers. They use telescopes and other instruments to observe and analyze celestial objects like stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes. Some astronomers also study the fundamental forces and laws that govern the Universe.

Is there any other astronomers that are also scientists?

All astronomers are scientists.All astronomers are scientists.All astronomers are scientists.All astronomers are scientists.

Measurements and other observations?

Measurements refer to the quantification of physical attributes, such as length, weight, or temperature. Observations involve gathering information using the five senses or instruments to study and describe phenomena. Both measurements and observations are key components of scientific research and experimentation.

What tradeoff occurs when a consumer is gathering information for a purchasing decision?

Loss of time and effort to spend on other activities happens when you are attempting to gather information.

Who are the scientist study the solar system?

Astronomers and planetary scientists study the solar system. They use telescopes, spacecraft, and other instruments to observe and study the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects within our solar system. Their research helps us better understand the origins and processes at work in our corner of the universe.

What is the call for a gathering in the series 'Warriors'?

The call for a gathering in the 'Warriors' series is known as a Gathering. It is a regular meeting where cats from different Clans come together at a specific location to exchange news and share information. The Gathering is typically held once a month during the full moon.

What type of scientist study stars and planets?

astronomers!!!!! There are many different fields withing research into space all with specific names and job roles. Some include: Cosmologists Astronomers Plantologists "Space Scientist" Various engineering roles connected with space missions just to name a few :/

What are two methods of gathering and reporting crime statistics?

The methods used for the gathering and reporting crime statistics are gathering of police reports, surveys, and statistical reports. A person then needs to combine together any information, comparing statistics and other elements to create a complete and thorough report.

What are the instruments used to study the solar system?

Instruments used to study the solar system include telescopes (both ground-based and space-based), spectrographs for analyzing light emissions, spacecraft for direct observation and data collection, and radar for studying planetary surfaces and compositions. Other tools include particle detectors, magnetometers, and radio telescopes.