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Every mass attracts every other mass, along a line joining their centers.

The force of attraction between any two masses is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

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The major elements of gravity are mass and distance. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects with mass, and it varies depending on the masses of the objects and the distance between them. The larger the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational force, and the farther apart two objects are, the weaker the gravitational force between them.

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Continue Learning about Astronomy

How the elements beryllium carbon and oxygen produces stars such as the sun?

It is not specifically those elements which "produce stars". Whatever elements happen to be around clump together, through gravity, and form the star.

Why is Jupiter so much richer in helium and hydrogen than Earth?

Jupiter is richer in helium and hydrogen because these elements were abundant in the early solar system when gas giants like Jupiter were forming. The strong gravity of Jupiter allowed it to capture and retain these light elements, while Earth's weaker gravity could not hold onto as much of them.

What importance do gravity lasers and spacesuits have in the battle room in Enders Game?

Gravity lasers in the battle room are used to simulate and control gravity, allowing the null-gravity environment to create realistic combat scenarios. Spacesuits in the battle room protect the soldiers from the elements of space, especially during battles that involve vacuums or extreme conditions. These tools are crucial in preparing the soldiers for combat and enhancing their training experience in the battle room.

What are three things you need to create a star?

Gas (hydrogren), gravity, and nuclear fusion (elements literally fuse and form helium thus releasing a small amount of pure energy and photons)..However, one can make the argument that fusion is due to a spectacular amount of gravity.

What will happen if the earth loses its gravity?

If Earth were to suddenly lose its gravity, everything not securely anchored to the ground would float off into space, including the atmosphere and oceans. The loss of gravity would cause cataclysmic changes to the planet's structure, leading to widespread destruction.

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Is there any element not respond to gravity?

Gravity acts on all objects with mass, so no. All elements are influenced by gravity.

What two elements are most responsible for the movement of water?

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Assignment Discovery - 1992 Elements of Physics Motion Force and Gravity was released on: USA: 28 September 2006

Why do you think the elements are lighter in the exosphere?

Do you mean elements or molecules? Gravity is acting more weakly on them (inverse square law).

What are the 15 elements in the game Elements?

There are only 12 elements in Elements the Game: Fire Water Earth Air Time Aether Light Darkness Gravity Entropy Life Death

How do IIIA to VIIA from the other group A elements?

base in my experience.... because of the gravity of the earth...

How does a ballerina relate to science?

it can relate because of the elements of force, gravity, balance, and rotation.

How the elements beryllium carbon and oxygen produces stars such as the sun?

It is not specifically those elements which "produce stars". Whatever elements happen to be around clump together, through gravity, and form the star.

What is the weight of all the elements?

That will depend on the gravity field and the amount (mass) of each element that you are weighing.

Did gravity pulled the atoms together to form heavier elements?

Yes, gravity plays a role in pulling atoms together in stars to form heavier elements through nuclear fusion. In the intense pressure and temperature conditions of a star's core, lighter elements like hydrogen fuse together to form heavier elements like helium, carbon, and oxygen.

What is the specific gravity of osmium?

The specific gravity of osmium is around 22.59 g/cm³. It is one of the densest naturally occurring elements.

What is tungsten's specific gravity?

Tungsten's specific gravity is around 19.25 grams per cubic centimeter, making it one of the heaviest naturally occurring elements.